My Philosophy

I believe that every individual has something beautiful and unique to offer our world. Many of us are scared of showing up and standing in our own greatness.
By dissolving the painful thoughts and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, you can develop the courage to stand in your own power, and create your ideal life.
Life is meant to be joyful, exciting, challenging and fulfilling.
I became a Life Coach because I think the world NEEDS more kindred spirits to come out and shine. We are a precious commodity and our gift to the world is to bring our creative, wacky, and loving selves into the light as an example of happiness and fulfillment.
We are the joy-bringers.
My Training

Martha Beck Coach Training Institute
I am a certified coach and graduate of Martha Beck's Coach Training Institute. Please feel free to learn more about Dr. Beck here
The Enlightenment Intensive
I am a graduate of the Senior Monitor Training for The Enlightenment Intensive with Lawrence Noyes. I have been honing my skills with this process for over fourteen years, and am currently affiliated with The Whole Health Center, in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Zen Meditation and Contemplation
I have been a student of Zen for over sixteen years. I also offer private and group instruction.
Lifelong Spiritual Seeker and Practitioner
I have researched and practiced many spiritual traditions and mindfulness tools and processes including: Loving Kindness Meditation, Yoga, Re-evaluation Counseling, Sound Healing, Earth Solos, authentic communication techniques, and inspired movement techniques.
My Story

The Bud
I have always been different. I've been called weird, unconventional, hyper, crazy, and a Pollyanna. It's hard to be judged so harshly for simply being myself and I ended up doing what most of us do. I hid.
For years I tried to fix myself by earning degrees, wearing the right clothes and behaving appropriately in public. I chose the safe career path. I stopped pursuing my creative dreams. I built a reputation. I became known for my professionalism, ability to handle responsibility, and my great work ethic.
Finally, after years of hard work, I had arrived. People respected me.
I wasn't the weirdo anymore.
It totally sucked.
The funniest part of the whole thing was-I was always different. I just thought I had covered it up. I still had outbursts of wackiness, would break out into song for no reason, and would wear crazy shoes to my corporate jobs. When these things happened I would be told to "tone it down," "act my age" and "behave professionally." In other words, I was still judged just as harshly as when I had let it all hang out.
The Blossom
Once I realized that I was always going to be judged, always going to be different, and always going to feel awful when I pretended to be someone I wasn't, I felt free. That's right. FREE. It was like a light bulb turned on and I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do to keep people from judging me. Nothing. I realized it was a waste of my energy to even try to fit in. So I stopped trying to change and started being myself.
It was awesome.
I have always been different. I've been called weird, unconventional, hyper, crazy and a Pollyanna. I've also been called brilliant, creative, effervescent, positive, unique, inspiring and magical. But I never noticed these things until I developed the courage to stand in the real power of being ME with no apologies...
Full Bloom
Today I live my life in full bloom. I feel excited about my day when I wake up because I walk in the world in a way that feels real, comfortable, joyful and free. I have achieved a happy blend of wackiness and authenticity that shines through all that I do.
My life's work is coaching women who feel stuck in a role that isn't aligned with who they know they really are deep down. I guide them to step into their own power and create a life they LOVE. It's the most rewarding, fun, and fulfilling life I could've imagined.
My life is a balance of joy and hard work that I Iove.
Are YOU Ready to Blossom?